>Trolltech recently published an article about a Qt adapted mouse gesture recognition package. You can find project details here. In the SVN trunk quard (Irek Khasyanov) and myself have prepared support for diagonals – so now you can tell the difference between a box and a circle – great news.
Author: Johan Thelin
>CMake, Qt 4.2.1 and application icons
>I’ve just started using CMake to build Qt 4 applications on Windows. The problem is that I cannot get the application icon into place. I’ve used the RC_FILE variable for this in QMake. Does anyone know how to do it with CMake?
>End of the season
>The winter is getting closer. It is raining almost every day. The grass is getting too long and it is hard to find a gap in the calendar to cut it.
The last couple of weeks I’ve spent almost every free moment preparing the inside of our garage and trying to fix the last outdoor issues that are possible to deal with before the winter.
Hopefully this winter will bring more time for coding and more reasonable work-hours-per-week than I’ve seen this autumn. Also, there will be snow, X-mas and holidays! I can hardly wait!
>Printed Ego Trip
>First of all, I just want to point out Witold‘s Qt 4 video tutorial – great stuff! He really aught to be syndicated to PlanetKDE.
A few days ago – probably more than a week – I received a copy of Ezust’s book on Qt 4.
>Changing Jobs
>Pandoras box
>It is seldom that I get really hocked on some piece of technology. FPGAs, formula one and Qt has been able to really get my attention this far. Today I tried a new candidate in that list: pandora. The Pandora Internet Radio is really amazing – the kind of indexing they’ve done of the music is really amazing. I really hope that they can arrange for broadcasting rights withing EU ASAP because I really like it.
>Windows Fixed
>After some googling and trying I managed to fix the issue with “Using
Apparently Opera 9.02 seems to be the cause of my problems with the mute keys not working either… so much for a browser with integrated bittorrent support for Windows. I guess I’ll just have to find another client instead.
>Sharing Windows
>I consider myself careful – I always use virus protection and a firewall, never running strange applications. Still, I share the computer with others and now there seems to be something strange with my Windows installation.
Can any body explain to me what the highlighted item is, how it got there, the implications of it being there and how I remove it. Thank you.
>Internet has been cut away
>Someone cut of my phone line yesterday. This means no ADSL and no telephone for the next 2-3 days. I can tell you that this somewhat limits my planned activities, but I get to be productive in other areas in the mean time.
>kdelibs and more
>I just read the the people behind KDE interview with Jaroslaw Stainek and discovered his site kdelibs.com. I was aware of the project and I’ve experimented with Q..3 for Win32 in the past. What surprises me about Stainek’s project is the maturity – it seems to be useful even though the site states that “kdelibs4 on Windows is not stable” but that is not really a Windows issue as KDE 4 is in early development still.
And now for something completely different…
While cleaning out an only laptop of mine I found a link to Paul Bourke’s site. This is one of the most useful, informative and entertaining sites I’ve ever visited. I have recommend his gallery of fractals (with code and explanations behind each image). His curves and surfaces must be a dream to any maths teacher looking for a good overview of what is available. I still remember having written my first raytracer (only rendering spheres) using his geometry page and Phong’s model for reflections.