>The Qt Centre Programming Contest has finally been completed. You can find all the contestants here, and the winning entries here. I’d like to say thanks to all who entered and a big congratulations to all the winners. Five of you will get a copy of Foundations of Qt Development – I hope that you will enjoy it!
Author: Johan Thelin
>Nice to hear
>I’m usually not happy about bankruptcies and other bad things happening to companies but these guys had it coming and deserve it.
>Qt Resources
>Have you written something about Qt? Have you got a library, a widget or a tool that would be useful to other Qt developers? Do you have a Qt/KDE site?
If any of the above fits you – tell me (e8johan, gmail) and I’ll add you to www.thelins.se/qt – an on-line appendix to the Foundations of Qt Development. By the way – when speaking of the book – have you noticed that a sample chapter and all the example source code is available for download.
The site that I mention above is just a start. The first new content that I’ve added is a look at the various cross platform IDEs out there. The only one that I’ve finished writing about is Trolltech’s own integration of Qt and Eclipse. A promising offering.
>Qt applications
>Old, but new to me. The Qt-Apps.org and Qt-Prop.org seems like great places to get listed – start registering your projects!
>KDE 4, beta
>Ars Technica just had a look at KDE 4.
>Qt and Eclipse
>If you are interested in Trolltech’s integration of Qt and Eclipse I’ve had a look at it – and it looks good, better than I expected.
>More Compiler Errors
>In an the book related chaos, I forgot to announce that Loïc Corbasson just contributed a new error message to the GCC error messages and solutions list. This time, it is about the consequences of forgetting one of the SIGNAL and SLOT macros.
>Just Amazed
>What a rush – over a hundred mails in just over an hour… took me ages to clear the inbox. I’ve mailed all the ones who where slightly too late. I’m amazed over the variety of people who mailed me. You where from all continents, from Australia to Honolulu – great!
Some of you asked where the book could be shipped. We ship world-wide, no problems!
As for the lucky few, your books will be shipped from England and you will receive them in a few weeks (they come fresh from the press August 6 and will have to be shipped to Europe first).
Again, thank you for your kind words and for showing interest!
>Book winners
>Thank you all who mailed me to get a book – I got well over a hundred mails in just a few hours. The lucky five are:
- J. Schwarz, Switzerland
- J. Krämer, Germany
- F. Kwiatkowski, Poland
- P. Varet, France
- B. Broeksema, Netherlands
They will each receive a copy of Foundations of Qt Development as soon as it is available. To all the rest of you who mailed – thank you all!
>Free Books
As the publishing date approaches I thought that I’d tell you a bit about my book: Foundations of Qt Development. It attempts to be a broad book, introducing most parts of Qt with working code examples and to always work from a practical starting point. As I am independent of Trolltech, I have had the opportunity to include third party applications as well, including CMake. This is something that I hope will help people get started with KDE development as well as Qt development.
Update – I’ve got over a hundred requests – I’ll notify the winners soon!
If you are interested, you can get a copy for free. All you need to do is to write a mail to e8johan () gmail ! com with the subject “I want a book“. Include your full name, postal address and a daytime phone number in the message body. The first five mailers will receive a free copy of the book directly from APress.