>I’ve just updated the Learn Qt tutorial with an entry on Layout Basics. I think that this is the last chapter before I can start putting together a “real” example application.
Author: Johan Thelin
>New Chapter, and Guest Contribution
>A couple of days ago I added a new chapter about the Qt build system to Learn Qt Tutorial. I’m also happy to announce that Ankur Gupta has contributed the first guest entry – a guide to where to find information about Qt.
I’d also like to take this opportunity and thank Qt Software for the new top banner. It looks great!
>Qt 4.5
>New Chapter
>Added a new chapter to the Learn Qt site and created a TOC type of page for the tutorial entries.
>Learning About Qt
>I’ve spent most of my time in the Qt world teaching. I started of with the Independent Qt Tutorial back in 2002. In 2006, the Qt 4 edition of the tutorial turned into the Foundations of Qt Development and actually got printed.
- Less to read per chapters for those who wants to get started.
- Less for me to write for each entry – I have a daughter and a house now, so it is harder to complete large chapters.
- The chapters can be more focused on one task. Making them easier to grasp, as well as being better suited as a reference (at a later stage).
>Embedded Qt
>LGPL’ed solutions
>I saw that Tro^H^H^HQt Software – let’s just call them the trolls – have released a bunch of QtSolutions under the LGPL license. Nice! There are quite a few solutions still available, check out the list. When listing a bunch of widget add-ons, I have to mention the wwWidgets as well.
>World of Fun
>I enjoy a good strategy puzzler now and then – my long time favorite games are Lemmings, Settlers and such. Just the other day, I discovered that World of Goo is available for Linux. I just downloaded and tried out the demo – and everything works right out of the box (I use an old Kubuntu install that has been upgraded too many times). Nice, nice – time to spend $20 on more tracks :-)
>Safety First
>Lesson learned
>Just learned that the window flags Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint isn’t enough in X11 (seems to work on WinXP). You also need to add the Qt::Tool window flag. Just so that you know.