CarConnectivity and the ID.Buzz

I just got myself a brand new car: an ID.Buzz with seven seats so that I can fit the whole family at once. I’m very happy with the car this far, but since it has connectivity, I want to see if I can integrate it into HomeAssistant.

To do this, I wanted to use the CarConnectivity project by Till Steinbach. It is a Python package that comes in a few parts. The main project, a Volkswagen connector, an MQTT bridge and a HomeAssistant MQTT discovery helper.

Having played with the software for a bit (and reported a bug that Till fixed asap – I’m impressed!) I decided to setup the whole thing on my little RaspberryPi that runs a few little services I use around the house.

Preparing this, I setup a new user and installed the software in a Python virtual environment:

sudo adduser carconnectivity
sudo su carconnectivity
mkdir carconnectivity
cd carconnectivity/
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install carconnectivity-connector-volkswagen==0.5a1 carconnectivity-plugin-mqtt carconnectivity-plugin-mqtt_homeassistant
vim carconnectivity.json

Using the vim command, I created the CarConnectivity configuration file. Update usernames, passwords and IPs to your needs. I will experiment with the interval parameter, as I don’t want to discharge the 12v battery by querying the car too much.

        "carConnectivity": {
                "log_level": "error",
                "connectors": [
                                "type": "volkswagen",
                                "config": {
                                        "interval": 1800,
                                        "username": "",
                                        "password": "secret"
                "plugins": [
                                "type": "mqtt",
                                "config": {
                                        "broker": "my-mqtt.local",
                                        "username": "user",
                                        "password": "secret"
                                "type": "mqtt_homeassistant",
                                "config": {}

Having configured the service (and having run it manually to fix my mistakes) I created the carconnectivity.service systemd service shown below (in /etc/systemd/system):

Description=Car Connectivity to MQTT

ExecStart=/home/carconnectivity/carconnectivity/venv/bin/carconnectivity-mqtt /home/carconnectivity/carconnectivity/carconnectivity.json


And then I started and enabled the service.

sudo systemctl start carconnectivity
sudo systemctl enable carconnectivity

Finally, I had a look at the status and made sure that everything looks ok.

sudo systemctl status carconnectivity

And, viola, the car shows up as a device in Home Assistant. Magic!

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