CarConnectivity and the ID.Buzz

I just got myself a brand new car: an ID.Buzz with seven seats so that I can fit the whole family at once. I’m very happy with the car this far, but since it has connectivity, I want to see if I can integrate it into HomeAssistant.

To do this, I wanted to use the CarConnectivity project by Till Steinbach. It is a Python package that comes in a few parts. The main project, a Volkswagen connector, an MQTT bridge and a HomeAssistant MQTT discovery helper.

Having played with the software for a bit (and reported a bug that Till fixed asap – I’m impressed!) I decided to setup the whole thing on my little RaspberryPi that runs a few little services I use around the house.

Preparing this, I setup a new user and installed the software in a Python virtual environment:

sudo adduser carconnectivity
sudo su carconnectivity
mkdir carconnectivity
cd carconnectivity/
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install carconnectivity-connector-volkswagen==0.5a1 carconnectivity-plugin-mqtt carconnectivity-plugin-mqtt_homeassistant
vim carconnectivity.json

Using the vim command, I created the CarConnectivity configuration file. Update usernames, passwords and IPs to your needs. I will experiment with the interval parameter, as I don’t want to discharge the 12v battery by querying the car too much.

        "carConnectivity": {
                "log_level": "error",
                "connectors": [
                                "type": "volkswagen",
                                "config": {
                                        "interval": 1800,
                                        "username": "",
                                        "password": "secret"
                "plugins": [
                                "type": "mqtt",
                                "config": {
                                        "broker": "my-mqtt.local",
                                        "username": "user",
                                        "password": "secret"
                                "type": "mqtt_homeassistant",
                                "config": {}

Having configured the service (and having run it manually to fix my mistakes) I created the carconnectivity.service systemd service shown below (in /etc/systemd/system):

Description=Car Connectivity to MQTT

ExecStart=/home/carconnectivity/carconnectivity/venv/bin/carconnectivity-mqtt /home/carconnectivity/carconnectivity/carconnectivity.json


And then I started and enabled the service.

sudo systemctl start carconnectivity
sudo systemctl enable carconnectivity

Finally, I had a look at the status and made sure that everything looks ok.

sudo systemctl status carconnectivity

And, viola, the car shows up as a device in Home Assistant. Magic!

Migrating Databases

Last week I decided to clean up a bit of digital cruft. That is, I moved a few of my websites onto a single VPS, saving quite a bit of monthly server hosting costs.

What I did was that I moved VPSes from Linode (Akamai) to DigitalOcean, but also migrated a full web hotel from One to DigitalOcean (converting email accounts to email forwards).

As this is something that I do very rarely, I decided to document the process here so that I don’t have to look everything up again next time around.

The grunt work was about migrating a number of L*MP services to a LEMP server. There are a couple of tasks involved here, mainly migration of databases and getting WordPress running in a subdirectory using Nginx. The rest of the exercise had to do with the moving of nameservers and waiting for DNS propagation to get certbot to provide certificates for the new location.

Migration of MySQL databases

The migration of a database between machines can be broken down into three stages:

  1. Dumping the old database
  2. Creating a new database and user
  3. Sourcing the database contents into the new database

I choose to do it in these three stages, as I’d like to keep the old database dump as an additional backup. The other option would be to transfer the database contents in a single step, merging steps 1 and 3 into one

Nevertheless, I use mysqldump to dump the database contents, and then bzip2 to reduce the size of the dump. This is efficient since and SQL dump is quite verbose.

mysqldump -u username -p --databases databasename | grep -vE \"^(USE|CREATE DATABASE)\" | bzip2 -c - > dumpname.sql.bz2

This is derived from the answer by Anuboiz over at stack overflow. The resulting file is then transferred to the new server using scp together with the actual website.

The next step is to create a new database and a new database user. Here, I assume MariaDB (using the mysql commands), as my main target is WordPress. For other database engines, e.g. Postgresql, please check the docs for exact grammar, but the SQL commands should be very similar.

sudo mysql
mysql> CREATE DATABASE databasename;
mysql> USE databasename;
mysql> CREATE USER 'username'@'localhost' identified by 'password';
mysql> EXIT

Check out this digital ocean tutorial for details on the above commands.

The next step is to read the database contents into the new database. For this, we need to unzip the sql dump, e.g. bunzip2 dumpname.sql.bz2, which will result in a file called dumpname.sql. Please notice that bunzip2 unzips the file and removes the original, zipped, file. If you want to keep the original, use the -k option.

Once you have the dumpname.sql file available, you can read it into the database with the newly created user using the source command as shown below.

mysql -u username -p
enter the password here
mysql> USE databasename;
mysql> SOURCE dumpname.sql;
mysql> EXIT

Now you should have a new database with the old database contents on the new server, with an associated database user. For WordPress sites, make sure that you reflect any changes in the associated wp-config.php file.

WordPress in a subdirectory using Nginx

The other piece of the puzzle that was new to me was to run WordPress from a subdirectory, e.g., rather than from the root level, e.g.

Removing most of the nginx server configuration, the following parts does the magic:

server {
        root /var/www/;
        index index.php index.html;



# For root
        location / {
                try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;

# For subdirectory
        location /johan/blog/ {
                try_files $uri $uri/ /johan/blog/index.php$args;

        location ~ \.php$ {
                fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
                fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock;
                fastcgi_index index.php;
                include fastcgi.conf;


The trick was to ensure that the subdirectory try_files statement refer to the correct index.php. Notice that this has to be done for each WordPress instance, if you happen to have multiple WordPress installations in various subdirectories on the same domain.


Its a bit of hassle to migrate a lot of web sites at once, but the monetary saving from moving the low traffic sites onto a single VPS, and the simplification of the management and monitoring by moving all VPSes to a single provider makes it worth it.

Upgrading Home Assistant

I run Home Assistant Core on a Raspberry Pi. I installed it in a Python venv and now and then I feel a need to upgrade. Today was such a day.

So, having backed everything up, I went for the plunge. Let’s install version 2025.1.2.

The usual dance goes a bit like this:

sudo systemctl stop homeassistant
sudo su homeassistant
cd /opt/homeassistant
source bin/activate
pip install --upgrade homeassistant
sudo systemctl start homeassistant

Then all the dependencies are installed, so I usually go for a coffee, and once things have settled down (I use top to check that the system is idle), I usually restart homeassistance, just to make sure that it stops and starts nicely.

This time, I had no such luck. Lots of little issues. The major one seemed to be that import av in one of the core modules suffered from some sort of ValueError exception.

Having duckducked the issue for a while, I realized this meant that I had to do the upgrade from Python 3.12 to 3.13. Upgrading va to version 14.x using pip does not help. Since I always forget how to do this, I’m now writing this blog post.

Recollecting the steps, the moves are, more or less these:

sudo apt-get install python3.13 python3.13-venv python3.13-dev
sudo systemctl stop homeassistant
sudo su homeassistant
cd /opt/homeassistant
mkdir old
mv bin/ cache/ include/ lib/ lib64 LICENSE pyvenv.cfg share/ old
python3.13 -m venv .
source bin/activate
pip install homeassistant
sudo systemctl start homeassistant

Again, restarting Home Assistant takes a while and a bit more since all the dependencies are built. Go grab a snack or just a quiet coffee and, viola, you will end up with a fresh install of Home Assistant version 2025.1.2

I’ve had my Creality CR-6 SE for quite some while now and it’s worked very well. I’ve even moved with it a couple of times. However, it seems that now was the time for it to give up the ghost, as the extruder casing developed a crack. Apparently something not completely uncommon.

The extruder casing removed. The spring is quite powerful.
The crack.

So I searched the internet for spare parts before I realized that this is a common failure mode and that there are all-metal replacements. A few clicks later, I had one ordered from Amazon. I took a chance and ordered one for CR-10, as it looked like it would fit from the photos, and it did (phew). Here is a link to the one I got: link.

The replacement extruder installed.

The installation went smooth. The only tricky part was getting the threads of the screw being pushed by the spring right. The spring is quite strong, so it is really a three hand operation in the area where my fingers have a hard time fitting. Having done that, it seems like it just work straight out of the box.

First print.

The print has been going on for a couple of hours now, and there has been no hickups. Big shout-out to OctoPrint while I’m at it. Being able to keep an eye on things without having to sit next to the printer is just great (and not having to fiddle around with SD-cards is also really nice).

NextCloudPi on Raspberry Pi 5

I finally took an evening to get NextCloudPi installed on a Raspberry Pi 5 with a large-ish NVMe drive. This was not a smooth ride. For your pleasure, this is how I got it working.

First, use Jeff Geerling’s guide to get the Pi booting from the NVMe drive.

Second, use this guide to move from Debian networking to systemd-networkd, but do not hold the avahi-daemon package.

Third, run the NextCloudPi curl install script.

Next up – the migration from my old instance. I have 1.5TB of files on a spin disk connected via USB that I need to move to the new NVMe storage – but that is for another night.

For the record – I do love NextCloud and NextCloudPi, so no finger pointing here, just sharing some frustration and how I got around the issue.

The next foss-north

This year’s foss-north was the tenth incarnation. I’ve been organizing foss-gbg since 2013, and foss-north since 2016 (two events in 2020 makes it ten in total). It’s been quite a journey – moving between three venues, working with amazing speakers and sponsors, finding a way through the pandemic, while getting to know so many people.

The conference continued when fscons moved from town. Henrik, who helped start fscons has been invaluable during the foss-north years.

Over the years, there has been multiple people helping out with things like announcing speakers, manning the registration booth, finding speakers and creating a program. One of the people who has been around the whole time is Tobias, who is ran a large portion of the show this year and is taking over the lead organizer role.

Private life has been rough over the past two years, so the decision to step back from foss-north has been more or less inevitable. So it’s a great feeling to be able to sit down and enjoy the show and know that the event is in good hands with Tobias.

Thank you all for speaking, visiting, helping out at, and sponsoring foss-north. See you at next year’s event. I’ll have more time to mingle than ever before! ;-)

Learning a language

Learning a language is, to me, about grinding. Continously exposing yourself.

Ich lerne Deutsch. Oder, ich versuche Deutsch zu lernen. 😉

I try to expose my self to the language via YouTube (thx Nils for the tip about 7 gegen Wild), but also news papers and just chatting with people. I’d say the biggest hurdle is that people find English easier than having me try to find and reorder the words, so practice at full speed is hard to find.

I guess I do the same for people trying to learn Swedish, and i really shouldn’t.

If you have tips for how to expose myself more to German – spoken or written – please drop a comment here or join the conversation at mastodon.

Porting Godot

I just took the time to start porting the epic Mattemonster app to Godot 4.1, as Google thinks it is getting a bit too old.

You can tell that the Godot developers have done a stellar job. Up until now I’ve just fiddled with Godot 4, so I haven’t really done anything proper in it – until today.

The main porting task was to change to an object driven approach to signals, rather than the old string-based on. Great – because it catches so much more early on. The only tricky part here was that in order to pass along arguments with a signal I had to use the bind function. That was not really what the error message complained about :-)

Also, I had to re-add the translations into the project settings, and to handle some messages from the window manager differently (close and quit). I’m still not sure I got the latter right…

Now, all that is left is the UI styling, so I guess I know what I will be doing in the rain this evening…