Finally I’ve had the time to work over the final issues in meta-kf5. Right now, I build most tier 1 and tier 2 components. I’ve packaged most functional modules and integration modules from these tiers.
When it comes to integration modules, there might be missing dependencies that need to be added – but that should not be too hard to add.
To be able to create useable cmake files, I had to employ a small hack modifying the cmake-files from KF5 before installing and packaging them. This seems to work (i.e. tier 2 builds), but there might be other sed-expressions that are needed.
Also, the autotests are not built as long at Qt5Test is left out form the build. If you would add Qt5Test, I believe that the unit tests will be included in the same package as the libs. I’ll address this as I integrate the autotests into ptest.
Summing up all of this, I’d say that the meta-kf5 layer now is usable!
That is all for now. As always, contributions are welcome! If you find a use for this, I’d be happy to add your project as a reference to the layer!