The Internet Talks

I’ve previously written about the licensing and embedded talks of foss-north 2020. This time around, I’d like to share the recordings of the Internet related talks.

Internet is a very broad topic, so it is hard to classify talks as not being Internet related these days, but the following three talks stand out.

The first speaker is an old time speaker at foss-north, Daniel Stenberg. He has spoken at foss-north several times, but never about his main claim to fame: curl. This time he righted this by delivering a talks about how to Curl better.

Maintaining privacy on the Internet is a big topic. This is a field where it is hard to deliver black or white answers. Elisabet Lobo-Vesga presents DPella, a query language for differential privacy. Using this technology, it is possible to make the tradeoff between how private the user is vs how detailed the data returned is.

The Internet talks end with Patrik Fältström. One of the people who has been around the Swedish Internet scene the longest. He talks about Keeping Time. It is a journey into leap seconds, atomic clocks, the speed of light and other hassles when keeping clocks in sync over a large network.

The talks are already available on, and the presentation material can be found by following the links to each speaker. For those of you who prefer YouTube, the talks will be made available shortly on the foss-north channel. Subscribe to get notified when they are.