Every year we try to seed the foss-north event with a set of key speakers. This year, one of our seed speakers is Patricia Aas from the Vivaldi Browser. She will be speaking about isolating GPU access in its own process.
“Chromium’s process architecture has graphics access restricted to a separate GPU-process. There are several reasons why this could make sense, three common ones are: Security, Robustness and Dependency Separation.
GPU access restricted to a single process requires an efficient framework for communication over IPC from the other processes, and most likely a framework for composition of surfaces. This talk describes both the possible motivations for this kind of architecture and Chromium’s solution for the IPC framework. We will demonstrate how a multiprocess program can compose into a single window on Linux.”
It is just 5 more days left of the Call for Papers. With the help of our great sponsors we have the opportunity to transport you to our conference if you are selected to speak. Make sure to make your submission before March 11 and you are in the race.