Qt 5 Cadaques release summary

Having announced qmlbook.org yesterday, the reception has been fantastic! Over two thousand unique visitors from all over the world (see the map below) and almost 8000 page views. Add to this that we clashed with the Qt 5.2 release announcement, and I’m overwhelmed.


12 thoughts on “Qt 5 Cadaques release summary”

  1. I started to go over your book. It is rather inconvenient to read it on-screen though. Do you plan to have a epub version? I would love to read this on the kindle.

    Thanks for your work, so far it is interesting:-)

    Best Regards,

  2. We’re looking into the possibilities for printing and offline formats. However, right now we’re focusing on bringing the entire text to completion.

  3. I really like your book. It’s the first online version I have found that has a good explanation of QML. The documentation is quite bad on the official page (Mainly with actually finding the information since for each new release the pages changes so you can’t find it anymore because it has been moved) so yours is a very good starter for everyone.
    I’m looking forward to the Model/C++ chapter since that is the one I have some problem getting my head around even if I got it working in my application. This whole model/role system they use. Specially since it’s such an important part of the model-view design.

  4. It’s awesome.
    Really like it. I will introduce it to my employees.
    Thank you very much.

  5. This is a great book. Especially for those who want to learn QtQuick. Thanks.

  6. Your book is amazing ,going through it too .Think you have the best coverage of QML so far.Thanks again.

  7. Congratulations. This is the QML book I was waiting for. I am familiar with your previous Qt book, you have a very nice way of writing and explain things.

  8. Although the QML documentation is quite good, a book that covers every topic was really a need. Congratulations. Waiting for an epub version as well.

  9. Hi, Johan Thelin!

    Your book is awesome! In general, there were no books about QML before.

    What can you say about translation of your book?

  10. @Nazar thank you for your kind words – they are appreciated. For now, Juergen and myself are focussing on writing the first set of contents and polishing it before we continue exploring future options (i.e. translations, epubs, pdfs, etc)

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